SQL analysis in big data

Working with SQL to understand songs in Spotify

This assignment focuses on helping you get to grips with a new tool: SQL.

Through this assignment, we will be working with SQL (specifically pandasql) by exploring a Spotify dataset containing song reviews and statistics. At parts 3 and 4 you can see some text analysis of song reviews.

Part 0: Libraries and Set Up Jargon (The usual wall of imports)

%pip install pandasql
%pip3 install pandas
%pip3 install pandasql
%pip3 install nltk
%pip3 install wordcloud
%pip3 install seaborn
1870.64s - pydevd: Sending message related to process being replaced timed-out after 5 seconds
UsageError: Line magic function `%pip3` not found.
Requirement already satisfied: pandasql in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages (0.7.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pandasql) (1.5.1)
Requirement already satisfied: sqlalchemy in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pandasql) (1.4.42)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pandasql) (1.23.4)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.1 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pandas->pandasql) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pandas->pandasql) (2022.5)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.1->pandas->pandasql) (1.16.0)
Requirement already satisfied: greenlet!=0.4.17 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from sqlalchemy->pandasql) (1.1.3.post0)
WARNING: You are using pip version 21.2.3; however, version 22.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/usr/local/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import pandasql as ps 
import nltk

from wordcloud import WordCloud
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /Users/loizoskon/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package punkt is already up-to-date!
# Three datasets that I am using (you can download them from here if the code does not work for you put them in the working directory)
! wget -nc https://storage.googleapis.com/penn-cis5450/spotify_features.csv
! wget -nc https://storage.googleapis.com/penn-cis5450/spotify_songs.csv
! wget -nc https://storage.googleapis.com/penn-cis5450/spotify_rankings.csv
1877.21s - pydevd: Sending message related to process being replaced timed-out after 5 seconds
1882.68s - pydevd: Sending message related to process being replaced timed-out after 5 seconds
1888.20s - pydevd: Sending message related to process being replaced timed-out after 5 seconds
zsh:1: command not found: wget
zsh:1: command not found: wget
zsh:1: command not found: wget
print(pd.__version__ )

Music for everyone!

I’ll be working with a dataset containing Top Tracks on Spotify in 2017, along with their reviews and rankings.

Here I’ll be exploring the following attributes of the song data:

  • Song-specific metadata (eg. artist name)

  • The songs’ rankings based on date and listener location

  • Acoustic / musical properties of the song, eg. danceability

I’ll be loading this data into various dataframes and querying them. I am primarily using PandaSQL for these tasks. Some tasks though are performed in Pandas.

Part 1: Loading & Processing our Datasets

Before we get into the data, we first need to load and clean our datasets.


You’ll be working with three CSV files: - spotify_features.csv - songs_features.csv - spotify_rankings.csv

The file spotify_features.csv contains musical / acoustic data for each song, obtained via the Spotify API.

The file songs_features.csv includes the names, artists, Spotify URLs of the Top Songs of 2017.

Each row in the file spotify_rankings.csv contains a song’s ranking on a specific day in a particular region, where regions are sorted alphabetically.

For example, the first 200 rows of spotify_rankings.csv represent the ranks of various songs on 1st of January in Argentina. The next 200 rows contain the rankings of songs during the 2nd of January in Argentina.

Note that the Spotify dataset may containing missing data, so don’t rely on the interval between successive dates as 200 rows.

Instead, it would be preferable to read all the data and then filter by region & date. This way, you can be sure that you have the required data.

So below I am: * Loading spotify_songs.csv and saving the data to a dataframe called songs_df. * Loading spotify_rankings.csv and saving the data to a dataframe called rankings_df. * Loading spotify_features.csv and saving the data to a dataframe called features_df without the index column being included.

#Importing the datasets to pandas dataframes 
songs_df = pd.read_csv("spotify_songs.csv")
rankings_df = pd.read_csv("spotify_rankings.csv")
features_df = pd.read_csv("spotify_features.csv")
# view songs_df to make sure the import was successful
id name artists duration_ms time_signature reviews
0 7qiZfU4dY1lWllzX7mPBI Shape of You Ed Sheeran 233713 4 vocal has a nice warm quality.
1 5CtI0qwDJkDQGwXD1H1cL Despacito - Remix Luis Fonsi 228827 4 Very European feeling. I like that the singer ...
2 4aWmUDTfIPGksMNLV2rQP Despacito (Featuring Daddy Yankee) Luis Fonsi 228200 4 Unique and quirky. Arrangement was good and ni...
3 6RUKPb4LETWmmr3iAEQkt Something Just Like This The Chainsmokers 247160 4 Tastefully put together song. Good instrumenta...
4 3DXncPQOG4VBw3QHh3S81 I'm the One DJ Khaled 288600 4 Your voice is awesome
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
95 1PSBzsahR2AKwLJgx8ehB Bad Things (with Camila Cabello) Machine Gun Kelly 239293 4 Good strong voice
96 0QsvXIfqM0zZoerQfsI9l Don't Let Me Down The Chainsmokers 208053 4 good movie sound track
97 7mldq42yDuxiUNn08nvzH Body Like A Back Road Sam Hunt 165387 4 Good melody. A little different
98 7i2DJ88J7jQ8K7zqFX2fW Now Or Never Halsey 214802 4 Good lyrics...
99 1j4kHkkpqZRBwE0A4CN4Y Dusk Till Dawn - Radio Edit ZAYN 239000 4 Good hook - unique vocal presentation - I like...

100 rows × 6 columns

# view rankings_df to make sure the import was successful
Unnamed: 0 Position Track Name Artist Streams URL Date Region
0 0 1 Reggaetón Lento (Bailemos) CNCO 19272 https://open.spotify.com/track/3AEZUABDXNtecAO... 2017-01-01 ec
1 1 2 Chantaje Shakira 19270 https://open.spotify.com/track/6mICuAdrwEjh6Y6... 2017-01-01 ec
2 2 3 Otra Vez (feat. J Balvin) Zion & Lennox 15761 https://open.spotify.com/track/3QwBODjSEzelZyV... 2017-01-01 ec
3 3 4 Vente Pa' Ca Ricky Martin 14954 https://open.spotify.com/track/7DM4BPaS7uofFul... 2017-01-01 ec
4 4 5 Safari J Balvin 14269 https://open.spotify.com/track/6rQSrBHf7HlZjtc... 2017-01-01 ec
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3441192 3441192 196 More Than You Know Axwell /\ Ingrosso 2126 https://open.spotify.com/track/71bBFbfn2OBK5Qw... 2018-01-09 hk
3441193 3441193 197 Issues Julia Michaels 2117 https://open.spotify.com/track/7vu0JkJh0ldukEY... 2018-01-09 hk
3441194 3441194 198 Tuo Fei Lun Eason Chan 2112 https://open.spotify.com/track/0pmGleExiQyd0Hx... 2018-01-09 hk
3441195 3441195 199 面具 Alfred Hui 2102 https://open.spotify.com/track/58SUsgamkW6vFFq... 2018-01-09 hk
3441196 3441196 200 Let Her Go Passenger 2088 https://open.spotify.com/track/2jyjhRf6DVbMPU5... 2018-01-09 hk

3441197 rows × 8 columns

# view features_df to make sure the import was successful
Unnamed: 0 id danceability energy key loudness mode speechiness acousticness instrumentalness liveness valence tempo
0 0 7qiZfU4dY1lWllzX7mPBI 0.825 0.652 1.0 -3.183 0.0 0.0802 0.5810 0.000000 0.0931 0.9310 95.977
1 1 5CtI0qwDJkDQGwXD1H1cL 0.694 0.815 2.0 -4.328 1.0 0.1200 0.2290 0.000000 0.0924 0.8130 88.931
2 2 4aWmUDTfIPGksMNLV2rQP 0.660 0.786 2.0 -4.757 1.0 0.1700 0.2090 0.000000 0.1120 0.8460 177.833
3 3 6RUKPb4LETWmmr3iAEQkt 0.617 0.635 11.0 -6.769 0.0 0.0317 0.0498 0.000014 0.1640 0.4460 103.019
4 4 3DXncPQOG4VBw3QHh3S81 0.609 0.668 7.0 -4.284 1.0 0.0367 0.0552 0.000000 0.1670 0.8110 80.924
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
95 95 1PSBzsahR2AKwLJgx8ehB 0.675 0.690 2.0 -4.761 1.0 0.1320 0.2100 0.000000 0.2870 0.2720 137.817
96 96 0QsvXIfqM0zZoerQfsI9l 0.542 0.859 11.0 -5.651 1.0 0.1970 0.1600 0.004660 0.1370 0.4030 159.797
97 97 7mldq42yDuxiUNn08nvzH 0.731 0.469 5.0 -7.226 1.0 0.0326 0.4630 0.000001 0.1030 0.6310 98.963
98 98 7i2DJ88J7jQ8K7zqFX2fW 0.658 0.588 6.0 -4.902 0.0 0.0367 0.1050 0.000001 0.1250 0.4340 110.075
99 99 1j4kHkkpqZRBwE0A4CN4Y 0.258 0.437 11.0 -6.593 0.0 0.0390 0.1010 0.000001 0.1060 0.0967 180.043

100 rows × 13 columns

1.1 Data Preprocessing

I am now going to clean our dataframes songs_df and rankings_df by performing the following tasks:
1) fixing columns
2) changing datatypes
3) handling nulls.

First, let us view the first few rows of songs_df. We may also call .info() and check the cardinality of each column to view the specifics of the dataframe. This is a good first step to take during Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).

# view info information regarding movies_df
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column          Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------          --------------  ----- 
 0   id              100 non-null    object
 1   name            100 non-null    object
 2   artists         100 non-null    object
 3   duration_ms     100 non-null    int64 
 4   time_signature  100 non-null    int64 
 5   reviews         100 non-null    object
dtypes: int64(2), object(4)
memory usage: 4.8+ KB

1.1.1 Cleaning songs_df

.info() gives us meaningful information regarding columns, their types, and the amount of nulls. With this information, we can now clean our dataframe.

  • Here I am Dropping the column time_signature as it will not be relevant for this analysis.
#clean songs_df
songs_df = songs_df[['id',  'name', 'artists',  'duration_ms', 'reviews']]
id name artists duration_ms reviews
0 7qiZfU4dY1lWllzX7mPBI Shape of You Ed Sheeran 233713 vocal has a nice warm quality.
1 5CtI0qwDJkDQGwXD1H1cL Despacito - Remix Luis Fonsi 228827 Very European feeling. I like that the singer ...
2 4aWmUDTfIPGksMNLV2rQP Despacito (Featuring Daddy Yankee) Luis Fonsi 228200 Unique and quirky. Arrangement was good and ni...
3 6RUKPb4LETWmmr3iAEQkt Something Just Like This The Chainsmokers 247160 Tastefully put together song. Good instrumenta...
4 3DXncPQOG4VBw3QHh3S81 I'm the One DJ Khaled 288600 Your voice is awesome
... ... ... ... ... ...
95 1PSBzsahR2AKwLJgx8ehB Bad Things (with Camila Cabello) Machine Gun Kelly 239293 Good strong voice
96 0QsvXIfqM0zZoerQfsI9l Don't Let Me Down The Chainsmokers 208053 good movie sound track
97 7mldq42yDuxiUNn08nvzH Body Like A Back Road Sam Hunt 165387 Good melody. A little different
98 7i2DJ88J7jQ8K7zqFX2fW Now Or Never Halsey 214802 Good lyrics...
99 1j4kHkkpqZRBwE0A4CN4Y Dusk Till Dawn - Radio Edit ZAYN 239000 Good hook - unique vocal presentation - I like...

100 rows × 5 columns

1.1.2 Processing Rankings

rankings_df contains a URL column that represents the URL of the Spotify track. This URL contains the track ID. We would like to extract the ID corresponding to each song.

To maintain consistency, begin by sorting this dataframe according to Date in ascending order.

Below I am: - Sorting the Date column in ascending order - Splitting the strings in the URL column to extract the ID for each song, and saving this as a new column called ID in rankings_df - Dropping the URL column

Example: >URL | ID >— | — > https://open.spotify.com/track/3AEZUABDXNtecAOSC1qTf | 3AEZUABDXNtecAOSC1qTf

After performing these steps, rankings_df should have the following schema: Final Schema: >Position | Track Name | Artist | Streams | Date | Region | ID >— | — | — |— |— |— |— |

Hint: Note the delimiter within the URL and consult the documentation for the .split() function

#extract ID and drop URL
rankings_df = rankings_df.sort_values(by=['Date'], ascending=True) #sort ascending order
rankings_df['ID'] = rankings_df['URL'].str.split('/').str[-1].tolist() #create an ID column, split from 'track/', the [1] puts it in an array. tolist() ID
rankings_df = rankings_df[['Position', 'Track Name', 'Artist', 'Streams', 'Date', 'Region', 'ID']]
# rankings_df = rankings_df.split()
Position Track Name Artist Streams Date Region ID
0 1 Reggaetón Lento (Bailemos) CNCO 19272 2017-01-01 ec 3AEZUABDXNtecAOSC1qTf
2658317 118 Steady 1234 (feat. Jasmine Thompson & Skizzy M... Vice 15142 2017-01-01 nl 40UroIGvsMPLPBYwH8rMN
2658316 117 Dynamite (feat. Pretty Sister) Nause 15152 2017-01-01 nl 2Ae5awwKvQpTBKQHr1TYC
2658315 116 Hello Adele 15170 2017-01-01 nl 4sPmO7WMQUAf45kwMOtON
2658314 115 One Night Stand B-Brave 15510 2017-01-01 nl 2no9x9FRytP9PnB3CQPYS
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1498830 109 Sky Walker Miguel 1581 2018-01-09 hu 5WoaF1B5XIEnWfmb5NZik
1498829 108 Back to You (feat. Bebe Rexha & Digital Farm A... Louis Tomlinson 1582 2018-01-09 hu 7F9vK8hNFMml4GtHsaXui
1498828 107 Betrayed Lil Xan 1582 2018-01-09 hu 6NWl2m8asvH83xjuXVNsu
1498841 120 Rockabye (feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie) Clean Bandit 1490 2018-01-09 hu 5knuzwU65gJK7IF5yJsua
3441196 200 Let Her Go Passenger 2088 2018-01-09 hk 2jyjhRf6DVbMPU5zxagN2

3441197 rows × 7 columns

1.1.3 Cleaning rankings_df

Now let’s clean rankings_df and make it usable.

# Examine rankings_df using the .info() function
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 3441197 entries, 0 to 3441196
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column      Dtype 
---  ------      ----- 
 0   Position    int64 
 1   Track Name  object
 2   Artist      object
 3   Streams     int64 
 4   Date        object
 5   Region      object
 6   ID          object
dtypes: int64(2), object(5)
memory usage: 210.0+ MB

Now let’s: * Drop all rows that have a null value in rankings_df * Convert column Date into type datetime64[ns].

rankings_df = rankings_df.dropna()
rankings_df['Date'] = rankings_df['Date'].astype('datetime64')
/var/folders/71/m9n1tm292gg25xn0m44ccvxh0000gn/T/ipykernel_13596/661023765.py:2: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  rankings_df['Date'] = rankings_df['Date'].astype('datetime64')
Position Track Name Artist Streams Date Region ID
0 1 Reggaetón Lento (Bailemos) CNCO 19272 2017-01-01 ec 3AEZUABDXNtecAOSC1qTf
2658317 118 Steady 1234 (feat. Jasmine Thompson & Skizzy M... Vice 15142 2017-01-01 nl 40UroIGvsMPLPBYwH8rMN
2658316 117 Dynamite (feat. Pretty Sister) Nause 15152 2017-01-01 nl 2Ae5awwKvQpTBKQHr1TYC
2658315 116 Hello Adele 15170 2017-01-01 nl 4sPmO7WMQUAf45kwMOtON
2658314 115 One Night Stand B-Brave 15510 2017-01-01 nl 2no9x9FRytP9PnB3CQPYS
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1498830 109 Sky Walker Miguel 1581 2018-01-09 hu 5WoaF1B5XIEnWfmb5NZik
1498829 108 Back to You (feat. Bebe Rexha & Digital Farm A... Louis Tomlinson 1582 2018-01-09 hu 7F9vK8hNFMml4GtHsaXui
1498828 107 Betrayed Lil Xan 1582 2018-01-09 hu 6NWl2m8asvH83xjuXVNsu
1498841 120 Rockabye (feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie) Clean Bandit 1490 2018-01-09 hu 5knuzwU65gJK7IF5yJsua
3441196 200 Let Her Go Passenger 2088 2018-01-09 hk 2jyjhRf6DVbMPU5zxagN2

3440540 rows × 7 columns

Part 2: Exploring the Data with PandasSQL (and Pandas)

Now that we’re more familiar with the dataset, we’ll now go in SQL language. Specifically, I’ll be using pandasql

The typical flow of using pandasql (shortened to ps) is as follows: 1. Write a SQL query in the form of a string (Tip: use triple quotes “““x”“” to write multi-line strings) 2. Run the query using ps.sqldf(your_query, locals())

PandaSQL is convenient as it allows you to reference the dataframes that are currently defined in your notebook, so you will be able to fully utilize the dataframes songs_df, rankings_df and features_df that you have created above!

###2.1 Bruno Mars songs

2.1.2 How many of Bruno Mars’ songs were deemed “good”?

We now want to see which of these songs contained the word “good” in the reviews column.

Here we update bruno_df so that it only contains songs that have the word ‘good’ in the reviews column.

#Using pandasql to obtain only "good" songs of bruno mars
good_song_query = """SELECT * FROM bruno_df WHERE reviews LIKE '%good%'""" # syntax after like == wildcards - look at the string and ignore everything before% and after% 'good'
bruno_df = ps.sqldf(good_song_query, locals())
name reviews
0 24K Magic Lyrics are very good. Backing sounds nice.

###2.2 You can seeing the hit songs

2.2.1 Extract the total no. of streams

We now want to see what songs formed the top 75% of the year 2017 from rankings_df. We can measure the popularity of the songs using the total number of streams the song received.

  • You can see the total number of streams per song and save it into a dataframe called streams_df
  • Understand the quartile ranges in streams_df
# we use `.describe()` to understand quartiles. It would be helpful to save the necessary quartile value to use in the querying section that follows.
Position Streams
count 3.440540e+06 3.440540e+06
mean 9.465220e+01 5.188452e+04
std 5.739412e+01 2.017733e+05
min 1.000000e+00 1.001000e+03
25% 4.500000e+01 3.321000e+03
50% 9.200000e+01 9.226000e+03
75% 1.430000e+02 2.965600e+04
max 2.000000e+02 1.138152e+07
Position Track Name Artist Streams Date Region ID
0 1 Reggaetón Lento (Bailemos) CNCO 19272 2017-01-01 ec 3AEZUABDXNtecAOSC1qTf
2658317 118 Steady 1234 (feat. Jasmine Thompson & Skizzy M... Vice 15142 2017-01-01 nl 40UroIGvsMPLPBYwH8rMN
2658316 117 Dynamite (feat. Pretty Sister) Nause 15152 2017-01-01 nl 2Ae5awwKvQpTBKQHr1TYC
2658315 116 Hello Adele 15170 2017-01-01 nl 4sPmO7WMQUAf45kwMOtON
2658314 115 One Night Stand B-Brave 15510 2017-01-01 nl 2no9x9FRytP9PnB3CQPYS
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1498830 109 Sky Walker Miguel 1581 2018-01-09 hu 5WoaF1B5XIEnWfmb5NZik
1498829 108 Back to You (feat. Bebe Rexha & Digital Farm A... Louis Tomlinson 1582 2018-01-09 hu 7F9vK8hNFMml4GtHsaXui
1498828 107 Betrayed Lil Xan 1582 2018-01-09 hu 6NWl2m8asvH83xjuXVNsu
1498841 120 Rockabye (feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie) Clean Bandit 1490 2018-01-09 hu 5knuzwU65gJK7IF5yJsua
3441196 200 Let Her Go Passenger 2088 2018-01-09 hk 2jyjhRf6DVbMPU5zxagN2

3440540 rows × 7 columns

streams_df = rankings_df.groupby(by = 'Track Name').sum()
# Using pandas extract the total number of streams per song from rankings_df
# streams_df = rankings_df['Streams'>2.965800e+04]
/var/folders/71/m9n1tm292gg25xn0m44ccvxh0000gn/T/ipykernel_13596/1744104746.py:1: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.sum is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function.
  streams_df = rankings_df.groupby(by = 'Track Name').sum()
Position Streams
Track Name
"All That Is or Ever Was or Ever Will Be" 383 7311
"Read All About It, Pt. III" 2306 57025
#99 1126 31826
#Askip 3184 296862
#Biziz - feat. Lil Bege 4488 403591
... ... ...
전야 前夜 The Eve 17063 976392
지나갈 테니 Been Through 1180 87456
쩔어 DOPE 7545 209493
피 땀 눈물 2757 68673
피카부 Peek-A-Boo 24895 2078217

18597 rows × 2 columns

Position Streams
count 1.859700e+04 1.859700e+04
mean 1.751114e+04 9.598901e+06
std 7.505320e+04 6.903221e+07
min 1.000000e+01 1.001000e+03
25% 3.200000e+02 2.133400e+04
50% 1.362000e+03 1.225160e+05
75% 7.620000e+03 1.072171e+06
max 1.604987e+06 2.993989e+09

2.2.2 Top 75% of streams

Now that we’ve seen the distribution of the streams, we’d like to extract songs with streams within the top 75%.

We filter out songs from streams_df whose stream count is in the top 75%, then save this data as the Pandas dataframe pd_top_streams.

Position Streams
Track Name
"All That Is or Ever Was or Ever Will Be" 383 7311
"Read All About It, Pt. III" 2306 57025
#99 1126 31826
#Askip 3184 296862
#Biziz - feat. Lil Bege 4488 403591
... ... ...
전야 前夜 The Eve 17063 976392
지나갈 테니 Been Through 1180 87456
쩔어 DOPE 7545 209493
피 땀 눈물 2757 68673
피카부 Peek-A-Boo 24895 2078217

18597 rows × 2 columns

#Using pandasql extract the top 75% based on number of streams
top_query = """
FROM streams_df
WHERE Streams > 21334

sql_top_streams = ps.sqldf(top_query, locals())
Track Name Position Streams
0 "Read All About It, Pt. III" 2306 57025
1 #99 1126 31826
2 #Askip 3184 296862
3 #Biziz - feat. Lil Bege 4488 403591
4 #CTZK 20515 669563
... ... ... ...
13941 전야 前夜 The Eve 17063 976392
13942 지나갈 테니 Been Through 1180 87456
13943 쩔어 DOPE 7545 209493
13944 피 땀 눈물 2757 68673
13945 피카부 Peek-A-Boo 24895 2078217

13946 rows × 3 columns

2.3 Duration of songs

Now that we know which songs are hits, we’d like to listen to songs that are not too short nor too long.

Using pandas, we filter out songs from songs_df whose duration is between 3 and 5 minutes.

  • Creating a new column in songs_df called “duration_min” that converts the duration in “duration_ms” from milliseconds to minutes
  • Extracting only songs whose duration is at least 3 minutes and at most 5 minutes. Then, saving the output to ideal_songs_df.
id name artists duration_ms reviews
0 7qiZfU4dY1lWllzX7mPBI Shape of You Ed Sheeran 233713 vocal has a nice warm quality.
1 5CtI0qwDJkDQGwXD1H1cL Despacito - Remix Luis Fonsi 228827 Very European feeling. I like that the singer ...
2 4aWmUDTfIPGksMNLV2rQP Despacito (Featuring Daddy Yankee) Luis Fonsi 228200 Unique and quirky. Arrangement was good and ni...
3 6RUKPb4LETWmmr3iAEQkt Something Just Like This The Chainsmokers 247160 Tastefully put together song. Good instrumenta...
4 3DXncPQOG4VBw3QHh3S81 I'm the One DJ Khaled 288600 Your voice is awesome
... ... ... ... ... ...
95 1PSBzsahR2AKwLJgx8ehB Bad Things (with Camila Cabello) Machine Gun Kelly 239293 Good strong voice
96 0QsvXIfqM0zZoerQfsI9l Don't Let Me Down The Chainsmokers 208053 good movie sound track
97 7mldq42yDuxiUNn08nvzH Body Like A Back Road Sam Hunt 165387 Good melody. A little different
98 7i2DJ88J7jQ8K7zqFX2fW Now Or Never Halsey 214802 Good lyrics...
99 1j4kHkkpqZRBwE0A4CN4Y Dusk Till Dawn - Radio Edit ZAYN 239000 Good hook - unique vocal presentation - I like...

100 rows × 5 columns

songs_df #convert ms to min
songs_df['duration_min'] =  songs_df['duration_ms'] / 60000
ideal_songs_df = songs_df[(songs_df['duration_min'] >= 3) & (songs_df['duration_min'] <=5)]
id name artists duration_ms reviews duration_min
0 7qiZfU4dY1lWllzX7mPBI Shape of You Ed Sheeran 233713 vocal has a nice warm quality. 3.895217
1 5CtI0qwDJkDQGwXD1H1cL Despacito - Remix Luis Fonsi 228827 Very European feeling. I like that the singer ... 3.813783
2 4aWmUDTfIPGksMNLV2rQP Despacito (Featuring Daddy Yankee) Luis Fonsi 228200 Unique and quirky. Arrangement was good and ni... 3.803333
3 6RUKPb4LETWmmr3iAEQkt Something Just Like This The Chainsmokers 247160 Tastefully put together song. Good instrumenta... 4.119333
4 3DXncPQOG4VBw3QHh3S81 I'm the One DJ Khaled 288600 Your voice is awesome 4.810000
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
94 2fQrGHiQOvpL9UgPvtYy6 Bank Account 21 Savage 220307 Good vocal, Good arrangement, Good subject mat... 3.671783
95 1PSBzsahR2AKwLJgx8ehB Bad Things (with Camila Cabello) Machine Gun Kelly 239293 Good strong voice 3.988217
96 0QsvXIfqM0zZoerQfsI9l Don't Let Me Down The Chainsmokers 208053 good movie sound track 3.467550
98 7i2DJ88J7jQ8K7zqFX2fW Now Or Never Halsey 214802 Good lyrics... 3.580033
99 1j4kHkkpqZRBwE0A4CN4Y Dusk Till Dawn - Radio Edit ZAYN 239000 Good hook - unique vocal presentation - I like... 3.983333

90 rows × 6 columns

2.4 Who are the highest ranked artists?

Which artists have been ranked #1 the most times in 2017?

Using the dataframe rankings_df, we perform the following tasks on pandasql: - We extract the names of artist that have position as 1, and store this data in pd_pos_df - Using pd_pos_df, You can see the number of times each artist was ranked #1 - Then we get the Top 10 artists, i.e. the 10 artists which have been ranked #1 the most times.

The dataframe pd_pos_df should have the following schema:

Artist Position
# pandasql
pos_query = """ 
SELECT Artist, COUNT (Position) AS Position
FROM rankings_df
WHERE Position = 1

sql_pos_df = ps.sqldf(pos_query, locals())
Artist Position
0 Luis Fonsi 4085
1 Ed Sheeran 3780
2 Post Malone 1737
3 J Balvin 1195
4 Maluma 900
5 Natti Natasha 416
6 Bad Bunny 311
7 Taylor Swift 304
8 Danny Ocean 291
9 Camila Cabello 272

2.6 Which songs are danceable but also mellow?

Now let us switch gears and examine songs_df and features_df. In particular, we want to You can see the songs with high danceability and low tempo.

STEPS to to solution: - Round the danceability column to one decimal place, and calling the resultant column r_danceability. This will allow us to conduct a more general (coarser) analysis of the data. - Merge songs_df and features_df, then sort the songs with danceability in descending order and tempo in ascending order. (When sorting, make sure to use the r_danceability column.) - Call the output dataframe sql_songs_features_df.

song_feature_query = """
SELECT *, ROUND (danceability, 1) AS r_danceability
FROM features_df
JOIN songs_df ON features_df.id = songs_df.id
ORDER BY ROUND (danceability, 1) DESC, tempo ASC

sql_song_features_df = ps.sqldf(song_feature_query, locals())
Unnamed: 0 id danceability energy key loudness mode speechiness acousticness instrumentalness liveness valence tempo id name artists duration_ms reviews duration_min r_danceability
0 94 2fQrGHiQOvpL9UgPvtYy6 0.884 0.346 8.0 -8.228 0.0 0.3510 0.0151 0.000007 0.0871 0.3760 75.016 2fQrGHiQOvpL9UgPvtYy6 Bank Account 21 Savage 220307 Good vocal, Good arrangement, Good subject mat... 3.671783 0.9
1 42 5bcTCxgc7xVfSaMV3RuVk 0.893 0.745 11.0 -3.105 0.0 0.0571 0.0642 0.000000 0.0943 0.8720 101.018 5bcTCxgc7xVfSaMV3RuVk Feels Calvin Harris 223413 Overall quite a nice sound. 3.723550 0.9
2 47 6mICuAdrwEjh6Y6lroV2K 0.852 0.773 8.0 -2.921 0.0 0.0776 0.1870 0.000030 0.1590 0.9070 102.034 6mICuAdrwEjh6Y6lroV2K Chantaje Shakira 195840 NICE TUNE WITH SOME NEAT CHORD CHANGES....VERY... 3.264000 0.9
3 38 6EpRaXYhGOB3fj4V2uDkM 0.869 0.485 6.0 -5.595 1.0 0.0545 0.2460 0.000000 0.0765 0.5270 106.028 6EpRaXYhGOB3fj4V2uDkM Strip That Down Liam Payne 204502 Rich clean vocals. Nice incidental instrumenta... 3.408367 0.9
4 91 4c2W3VKsOFoIg2SFaO6DY 0.855 0.624 1.0 -4.093 1.0 0.0488 0.1580 0.000000 0.0513 0.9620 117.959 4c2W3VKsOFoIg2SFaO6DY Your Song Rita Ora 180757 Great music ,Great voice ,arrangement, etc. 3.012617 0.9
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
95 52 4pdPtRcBmOSQDlJ3Fk945 0.476 0.718 8.0 -5.309 1.0 0.0576 0.0784 0.000010 0.1220 0.1420 199.864 4pdPtRcBmOSQDlJ3Fk945 Let Me Love You DJ Snake 205947 Nice melodies, especially in the beginning. Ha... 3.432450 0.5
96 22 5uCax9HTNlzGybIStD3vD 0.358 0.557 10.0 -7.398 1.0 0.0590 0.6950 0.000000 0.0902 0.4940 85.043 5uCax9HTNlzGybIStD3vD Say You Won't Let Go James Arthur 211467 truely unique, i like it 3.524450 0.4
97 63 6520aj0B4FSKGVuKNsOCO 0.448 0.801 0.0 -5.363 1.0 0.1650 0.0733 0.000000 0.1460 0.4620 189.798 6520aj0B4FSKGVuKNsOCO Chained To The Rhythm Katy Perry 237734 Like the recording .nice and clear,smooth 3.962233 0.4
98 66 5hYTyyh2odQKphUbMqc5g 0.314 0.555 9.0 -9.601 1.0 0.3700 0.1570 0.000108 0.0670 0.1590 179.666 5hYTyyh2odQKphUbMqc5g How Far I'll Go - From "Moana" Alessia Cara 175517 Kind of reminds me of new music. 2.925283 0.3
99 99 1j4kHkkpqZRBwE0A4CN4Y 0.258 0.437 11.0 -6.593 0.0 0.0390 0.1010 0.000001 0.1060 0.0967 180.043 1j4kHkkpqZRBwE0A4CN4Y Dusk Till Dawn - Radio Edit ZAYN 239000 Good hook - unique vocal presentation - I like... 3.983333 0.3

100 rows × 20 columns

2.7 Do we like the same songs?

2.7.1 Which regions have the most streams?

  • Extracted rows belonging to the top 2 regions that have the most streams.
  • Storeed output in a new dataframe called sql_top_regions_df. The schema is as rankings_df.

Note: Since we want to focus on specific regions, we should disregard rows where the Region column has the value "global".

pd_top_regions_df = rankings_df[rankings_df['Region'] != 'global'] #remove global from column region
pd_top_regions_df = pd_top_regions_df.groupby(by = 'Region').sum().reset_index() #group by Region
pd_top_regions_df = pd_top_regions_df.sort_values(by = ['Streams'], ascending = [False]).head(2) #We want the ones with most Streams
pd_top_regions_df = rankings_df[rankings_df['Region'].isin(['us', 'gb'])] #checking for us and gb
pd_top_regions_df #we use that in pandasql below in our subquery
/var/folders/71/m9n1tm292gg25xn0m44ccvxh0000gn/T/ipykernel_13596/905598242.py:3: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.sum is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function.
  pd_top_regions_df = pd_top_regions_df.groupby(by = 'Region').sum().reset_index() #group by Region
Position Track Name Artist Streams Date Region ID
3042585 143 The Sound The 1975 30799 2017-01-01 gb 316r1KLN0bcmpr7TZcMCX
3042584 142 Is This Love - Remix Bob Marley & The Wailers 31000 2017-01-01 gb 1w5sLDYzYAGI0AkLc6FPl
3042583 141 Sidewalks The Weeknd 31453 2017-01-01 gb 4h90qkbnW1Qq6pBhoPvwk
3042582 140 False Alarm Matoma 31527 2017-01-01 gb 7gZQfdEQpmwAoPHSbEHzm
3042581 139 Jumpman Drake 31716 2017-01-01 gb 27GmP9AWRs744SzKcpJsT
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
845636 15 Pick It Up (feat. A$AP Rocky) Famous Dex 687929 2018-01-09 us 3ncgNpxLoBQ65ABk4djDy
845635 14 River (feat. Ed Sheeran) Eminem 724892 2018-01-09 us 5UEnHoDYpsxlfzWLZIc7L
845634 13 Candy Paint Post Malone 735421 2018-01-09 us 42CeaId2XNlxugDvyqHfD
845632 11 Codeine Dreaming (feat. Lil Wayne) Kodak Black 839826 2018-01-09 us 4DTpngLjoHj5gFxEZFeD3
845662 41 Bad At Love Halsey 474255 2018-01-09 us 7y9iMe8SOB6z3NoHE2OfX

148374 rows × 7 columns

top_regions_query = """
FROM rankings_df
WHERE Region IN (
  SELECT Region FROM pd_top_regions_df
  WHERE Region<>'global'

sql_top_regions_df = ps.sqldf(top_regions_query, locals())
Position Track Name Artist Streams Date Region ID
0 1 Last Christmas Wham! 1357938 2017-12-25 00:00:00.000000 gb 2FRnf9qhLbvw8fu4IBXx7
1 1 Shape of You Ed Sheeran 1323982 2017-01-09 00:00:00.000000 gb 7qiZfU4dY1lWllzX7mPBI
2 2 All I Want for Christmas Is You Mariah Carey 1299377 2017-12-25 00:00:00.000000 gb 0bYg9bo50gSsH3LtXe2SQ
3 1 Shape of You Ed Sheeran 1280898 2017-01-06 00:00:00.000000 gb 7qiZfU4dY1lWllzX7mPBI
4 1 Shape of You Ed Sheeran 1258743 2017-01-10 00:00:00.000000 gb 7qiZfU4dY1lWllzX7mPBI
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
74185 196 Famous Kanye West 25248 2017-01-01 00:00:00.000000 gb 19a3JfW8BQwqHWUMbcqSx
74186 197 Girls Just Want to Have Fun Cyndi Lauper 25176 2017-01-01 00:00:00.000000 gb 4y1LsJpmMti1PfRQV9AWW
74187 198 Dog Days Are Over Florence + The Machine 24904 2017-01-01 00:00:00.000000 gb 1YLJVmuzeM2YSUkCCaTNU
74188 199 Half the World Away - Remastered Oasis 24806 2017-01-01 00:00:00.000000 gb 6z1Xz89avh1KA7d3Ek7DQ
74189 200 Shut Up Stormzy 24727 2017-01-01 00:00:00.000000 gb 2LPUvD5DDOO4UYGkWgjI2

74190 rows × 7 columns

2.7.2 Do the regions with the most streams like different songs?

  • Finding the songs that the two regions (found in 2.7.1) DO NOT have in common
  • Storing the result in a new dataframe called sql_diff_tracks_df.

diff_tracks_query = """
   SELECT DISTINCT `Track Name`, Artist, ID
   FROM pd_top_regions_df
   WHERE Region='us'),

GBdf AS (
  SELECT DISTINCT `Track Name`, Artist, ID
  FROM pd_top_regions_df
  WHERE Region='gb'),

USonly AS (
  SELECT USdf.`Track Name`, USdf.Artist, USdf.ID as ID 
  LEFT JOIN GBdf ON USdf.id = GBdf.id

 GBonly AS (
   SELECT USdf.`Track Name`, USdf.Artist, GBdf.ID as ID
   FROM GBdf
   LEFT JOIN USdf ON USdf.id = GBdf.id

sql_diff_tracks_df = ps.sqldf(diff_tracks_query, locals())
Track Name Artist ID
0 None None 00l1uBtEO4WwmsfxqbeTW
1 None None 0181HMomm7xM3Ks5YNlA9
2 None None 01VXGDL8Ox3SWmvM8ZyvS
3 None None 023lag1AgeOf7YChojecR
4 None None 02KgB1Qyk4PrFweUMGl9N
... ... ... ...
2447 playboy shit (feat. lil aaron) blackbear 031QO44Ql8D7D3ePdI7fk
2448 santa monica & la brea blackbear 3Tvs5NbIqszxl7ctruIqa
2449 top priority (with Ne-Yo) blackbear 2yjwPmZ3XKKoVVPzKQ9d0
2450 up in this (with Tinashe) blackbear 7xmaCmiSOCtQ6nFENK22b
2451 wokeuplikethis* Playboi Carti 59J5nzL1KniFHnU120dQz

2452 rows × 3 columns

2.8 New Years Eve Party!

Who doesn’t love to dance? Let’s You can see some songs to groove to!

  • You can see the songs that made it to the charts in December 2017 (2017-12-01 to 2017-12-31) and whose duration is longer than 3 minutes
  • You can see the artist and the danceability of these songs. Be sure to only include songs with danceability > 0.5.
  • The result is stored in a new dataframe called sql_dance_df that has the following schema:
Artist Track Name danceability

Hint: Think about which data resides in which table!


# _______
# ________
# _______
rankings_df.rename(columns = {'ID':'id'}, inplace = True)
#making ID work as id
/var/folders/71/m9n1tm292gg25xn0m44ccvxh0000gn/T/ipykernel_13596/2501768206.py:1: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  rankings_df.rename(columns = {'ID':'id'}, inplace = True)
Position Track Name Artist Streams Date Region id
0 1 Reggaetón Lento (Bailemos) CNCO 19272 2017-01-01 ec 3AEZUABDXNtecAOSC1qTf
2658317 118 Steady 1234 (feat. Jasmine Thompson & Skizzy M... Vice 15142 2017-01-01 nl 40UroIGvsMPLPBYwH8rMN
2658316 117 Dynamite (feat. Pretty Sister) Nause 15152 2017-01-01 nl 2Ae5awwKvQpTBKQHr1TYC
2658315 116 Hello Adele 15170 2017-01-01 nl 4sPmO7WMQUAf45kwMOtON
2658314 115 One Night Stand B-Brave 15510 2017-01-01 nl 2no9x9FRytP9PnB3CQPYS
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1498830 109 Sky Walker Miguel 1581 2018-01-09 hu 5WoaF1B5XIEnWfmb5NZik
1498829 108 Back to You (feat. Bebe Rexha & Digital Farm A... Louis Tomlinson 1582 2018-01-09 hu 7F9vK8hNFMml4GtHsaXui
1498828 107 Betrayed Lil Xan 1582 2018-01-09 hu 6NWl2m8asvH83xjuXVNsu
1498841 120 Rockabye (feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie) Clean Bandit 1490 2018-01-09 hu 5knuzwU65gJK7IF5yJsua
3441196 200 Let Her Go Passenger 2088 2018-01-09 hk 2jyjhRf6DVbMPU5zxagN2

3440540 rows × 7 columns

dance_query = """
SELECT DISTINCT Artist, `Track Name`,   danceability
FROM songs_df AS s 
  JOIN rankings_df AS r ON r.id= s.id
  JOIN features_df AS f ON f.id=r.id
WHERE duration_min > 3
  AND strftime('%Y-%m-%d', DATE) BETWEEN '2017-12-01' AND '2017-12-31'
  AND danceability  > 0.5

sql_dance_df = ps.sqldf(dance_query, locals())
Artist Track Name danceability
0 Ed Sheeran Shape of You 0.825
1 Luis Fonsi Despacito - Remix 0.694
2 Luis Fonsi Despacito (Featuring Daddy Yankee) 0.660
3 The Chainsmokers Something Just Like This 0.617
4 DJ Khaled I'm the One 0.609
... ... ... ...
80 Justin Bieber Friends (with BloodPop®) 0.744
81 21 Savage Bank Account 0.884
82 Machine Gun Kelly Bad Things (with Camila Cabello) 0.675
83 The Chainsmokers Don't Let Me Down 0.542
84 Halsey Now Or Never 0.658

85 rows × 3 columns

Part 3: Data Visualization

The popularity of songs fluctuates as time progresses. We want to create a graph that illustrates the no. of streams for the most and least popular songs during each month in 2017.

Perform the following tasks: - You can see the song that had the most streams on 2017-01-01 - You can see the song that had the least streams on 2017-01-01 - You can see the no. of streams that these two songs received on the first day of each month in 2017 (eg. 2017-01-01, 2017-02-01, 2017-03-01 … 2017-12-01)

Plot a line graph which shows the trend you found! Make sure you use the ID of the two songs when creating this graph.

useful resource: https://seaborn.pydata.org/generated/seaborn.lineplot.html

The line graph has the following features: 1. The X-axis should be labelled “Date”, and the Y-axis should be labelled “Streams”. 2. There should be markers on the plot to specify the no. of streams each song received ia particular month. 3. The lines corresponding to the two songs should have different colors.

#first we take a look which songs are streamed the most
filter_rankings = rankings_df[(rankings_df['Date'] == '2017-01-01')] #setting the date asked
filter_rankings = filter_rankings.groupby('id').sum().reset_index()
sorted_rankings = filter_rankings.sort_values(by=['Streams'], ascending=False).reset_index() #sorting from most streams to least
top_bottom_rankings = pd.concat([sorted_rankings.head(1), sorted_rankings.tail(1)]) #getting the most and least streamed song 
/var/folders/71/m9n1tm292gg25xn0m44ccvxh0000gn/T/ipykernel_13596/745237006.py:3: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.sum is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function.
  filter_rankings = filter_rankings.groupby('id').sum().reset_index()
index id Position Streams
0 1690 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 422 6266206
2360 2302 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 199 1001
#You can see the no. of streams that these two songs received on the first day of each month in 2017
list_of_dates = ['2017-01-01', '2017-02-01', '2017-03-01', '2017-04-01', '2017-05-01', '2017-06-01', '2017-07-01', '2017-08-01', '2017-09-01',
                 '2017-10-01', '2017-11-01', '2017-12-01']

all_months_rankings = rankings_df[rankings_df['Date'].isin(list_of_dates)] #filter for list_of_dates asked
all_months_rankings = all_months_rankings[all_months_rankings['id'].isin(top_bottom_rankings['id'])]
Position Track Name Artist Streams Date Region id
2755014 18 Starboy The Weeknd 16013 2017-01-01 co 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66
2732400 1 Starboy The Weeknd 2197 2017-01-01 sk 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66
462008 10 Starboy The Weeknd 104708 2017-01-01 ph 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66
2658204 5 Starboy The Weeknd 76076 2017-01-01 nl 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66
445200 1 Starboy The Weeknd 2583 2017-01-01 lt 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2272744 185 Starboy The Weeknd 44109 2017-12-01 mx 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66
2124327 168 Starboy The Weeknd 2765 2017-12-01 pt 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66
837998 177 Starboy The Weeknd 219100 2017-12-01 us 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66
763686 65 Starboy The Weeknd 13676 2017-12-01 tr 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66
951109 195 Starboy The Weeknd 2393 2017-12-01 cr 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66

456 rows × 7 columns

IDdateGroup = all_months_rankings.groupby(['id', 'Date']).sum().reset_index()
/var/folders/71/m9n1tm292gg25xn0m44ccvxh0000gn/T/ipykernel_13596/1523896782.py:1: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.sum is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function.
  IDdateGroup = all_months_rankings.groupby(['id', 'Date']).sum().reset_index()
id Date Position Streams
0 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-01-01 422 6266206
1 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-02-01 939 5697420
2 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-03-01 1803 4259480
3 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-04-01 2609 3263163
4 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-05-01 4094 2179513
5 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-06-01 4306 1906610
6 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-07-01 4027 1641376
7 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-08-01 3973 1348133
8 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-09-01 4190 1380447
9 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-10-01 3558 1061926
10 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-11-01 2525 1040093
11 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-12-01 1521 999344
12 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 2017-01-01 199 1001
13 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 2017-02-01 122 1440
14 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 2017-03-01 144 1245
15 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 2017-04-01 147 1198
16 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 2017-07-01 160 1112
IDdateGroup = all_months_rankings.groupby(['id', 'Date']).sum().reset_index()
/var/folders/71/m9n1tm292gg25xn0m44ccvxh0000gn/T/ipykernel_13596/1523896782.py:1: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrameGroupBy.sum is deprecated. In a future version, numeric_only will default to False. Either specify numeric_only or select only columns which should be valid for the function.
  IDdateGroup = all_months_rankings.groupby(['id', 'Date']).sum().reset_index()
id Date Position Streams
0 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-01-01 422 6266206
1 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-02-01 939 5697420
2 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-03-01 1803 4259480
3 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-04-01 2609 3263163
4 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-05-01 4094 2179513
5 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-06-01 4306 1906610
6 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-07-01 4027 1641376
7 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-08-01 3973 1348133
8 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-09-01 4190 1380447
9 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-10-01 3558 1061926
10 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-11-01 2525 1040093
11 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66 2017-12-01 1521 999344
12 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 2017-01-01 199 1001
13 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 2017-02-01 122 1440
14 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 2017-03-01 144 1245
15 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 2017-04-01 147 1198
16 7qxgfIAuWUY9VHLn35Sqw 2017-07-01 160 1112
import seaborn
seaborn.lineplot(data=IDdateGroup, x='Date', y='Streams', markers=True, hue='id')
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='Date', ylabel='Streams'>

Part 4: Working with Text Data

Now, let’s switch gears and try to text-based analysis. Textual data is complex, but can also be used to generate extremely interpretable results, making it both valuable and interesting.

Throughout this section, we will attempt to answer the following question:

According to the songs_df dataframe, what do the reviews for the Top Tracks of 2017 look like?

###4.1 Tokenizing the text

We are going to split the contents of in the Reviews column into a list of words. We will use the nltk library, which contains an extensive set of tools for text processing. We are only going to use the following components of the library: - nltk.word_tokenize(): a function used to tokenize text - nltk.corpus.stopwords: a list of commonly used words such as “a”, “an”,“in” that are often ignored in text analysis

Note that for this question, we didn’t have to clean the text data first as our original dataset was well-formatted. However, in practice, we would typically clean the text first using regular expressions (regex). Keep this in mind as you work on the project later on in the semester.

  • Using nltk.corpus.stopwords to create a set containing the most common English stopwords.
  • Implementing the function tokenized_content(content), which takes in a string and does the following:
  1. Tokenizing the text
  2. Keeping tokens that only contain alphabetic characters (i.e. tokens with no punctuation)
  3. Converting each token to lowercase
  4. Removing stopwords (commonly used words such as “a”, “an”, “in”)
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import string
stopwords = set(stopwords.words('english'))
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data]     /Users/loizoskon/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package stopwords is already up-to-date!
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

def tokenize_content(content):
  content = word_tokenize(content)
  content = [word for word in content if word.isalpha()]
  content = [word.lower() for word in content]
  content = [word for word in content if word not in stopwords]
  return content

What is happening in the following columns - Extracting the reviews column of songs_df as a list called reviews. - Applying your tokenize_content() function to each item in the list reviews. Calling the resultant list top_tokens_list. - Flattening the list top_tokens_list, and call the resultant list top_tokens.

reviews = songs_df['reviews'].tolist() #Extract the reviews column of songs_df as a list called reviews.
# tokenize and flatten

top_tokens_list = []
for i in reviews:

top_tokens = [item for sublist in top_tokens_list for item in sublist]

4.2 Most Frequent Words

Here you can see the 20 most common words in the list top_tokens. Saving the result as a list of (word, count) tuples, in descending order of count.

For this question, Counter from the Python collections library is used: https://docs.python.org/2/library/collections.html#counter-objects

from collections import Counter
count = Counter(top_tokens)
top_most_common = count.most_common(20)
[('good', 35), ('nice', 31), ('like', 26), ('song', 21), ('voice', 18), ('great', 14), ('really', 13), ('unique', 12), ('lyrics', 12), ('sound', 11), ('love', 9), ('interesting', 9), ('vocal', 8), ('tune', 8), ('vocals', 8), ('instrumentation', 7), ('melody', 7), ('music', 7), ('feel', 6), ('overall', 6)]

4.3 Word Clouds

Before we move on from this dataset, let’s visualize our results using a word cloud.

Here I create a word cloud containing all the words in the list top_tokens (created in question 4.1). The WordCloud documentation contains instructions on how to do this.

import re #Load the regular expression library
import wordcloud # Import the wordcloud library
# Print the titles of the first rows 
#Here I create a word cloud for top tokens
plt.subplots(figsize = (20,10))

wordcloud = WordCloud (
                    background_color = 'white',
                    width = 510,
                    height = 380
plt.imshow(wordcloud) # image show
plt.axis('off') # to off the axis of x and y