Happy birthday!


This article analyzes a famous person’s quote out of context.


October 12, 2023

Carl Jung, founder of analytical psychology

HAPPY BIRTHDAY –> Check out YOUR life stats HERE🤓📊

If you are younger than forty, hope Jung’s quote makes you feel better.

If you are older and still doing research… what does Jung know? He might be wrong.

He was doing research after 40; I mean, he had 8 publications after his 40th birthday. Do you think that was the case because his name alludes to a not old person? I highly doubt it.

However, not everything revolves around you. He might have just said it for himself. If that’s the case, it is different. Forty correlates with about the time that he becomes a celebrity, so that might have to do with this.

Well, it’s all about how we choose to look at it at the end of the day, but anyways, hope you take a positive standpoint and enjoy your birthday no matter how old you are becoming; HAPPY BIRTHDAY!